Such an awful word: "homework" ... it makes the hair stand up on the back of your head, makes the toes cringe, ... and worse!
Here's the Oxford English Dictionary's take on the term:
(By the way you get the OED for free as part of your SDSU registration--that's a $90-$100 savings off of the regular cost of the best dictionary on the planet--kicks Webster's ass and makes look like a playground for nincompoops!
more below this picture ...
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In any event, you have homework for next Tuesday's class--and the book we are doing after that is Richard Appignanesi & Oscar Zarate's FREUD FOR BEGINNERS. Your homework for a given class will always appear here first here on the Daily Lineup Virus Eye page.
But in addition to that, I want you to be familiar with all the main pages associated with this class:
Just a gateway page, not that important
The main webpage for the class that has all the information you would usually find on your syllabus--in particular, there are a couple of Nerdwriter videos on this page that I want you to screen, from beginning to end, before we meet up on Tuesday morning!
Maybe the page to visit the most this term as it has your daily assignments that are updated on the fly--you will have already noticed that this page, which should be filled with day to day details, is sadly unpopulated with information. That's for a reason--I need to meet and hang out with you in class on Tuesday (sadly via Zoom and not in person) to get a feel for the kind of class we're going to have this term. Once I get that feel, I will decide in which direction we will go. In the short term, if you want to know which books to pick up, I would say the Crumb/Mairowitz KAFKA and Berger et al's WAYS OF SEEING, in addition to the aforementioned FREUD FOR BEGINNERS, should soon be in your possession. media channels for #viruseye2020 are alive and ticking--I very much look forward to scrolling to your contributions to this growing web of semiotic amazingness.
Worried that you missed an important email about the class--always go here to our online archive; all official communiques/telegrams/messages/ridiculous cartoons are archived here in reverse chronological order from newest to oldest. Great to check this regularly as messages sometimes end up in gmail's spam folder.
That's it--tell your friends and accomplices about this class! It's the first time it has ever been offered at SDSU and we want it to be one for the ages!
See you Tuesday at 11am SHARP!
English 157 History and Comics--Entering the Virus EYE/I
Tuesday, August 25⋅11:00am – 12:15pm
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Dr. William A. Nericcio
Professor of English and Comparative Literature